NREC consistently delivers valuable robotics solutions to its clients. Part of this success is based on following the latest practices in project management and having access to world-class robotics facilities.
Our staff features robotics, electrical, mechanical, system and software engineers as well as program managers and technicians skilled in every aspect of technology development and program execution.
Our team combines a total of 700+ combined years of robotics experience and is ready to tackle your most challenging problems. Approximately two thirds of our technical staff holds either a Ph.D. or a Masters Degree in Robotics or a related field. We strive to bring excellence and experience to every project we execute.
NREC combines the traditional project management approaches with agile development practices to execute aggressive projects effectively. NREC structures projects around a core team of motivated multi-disciplinary talent who are each experts in their own field. Our world-class talent embraces a development process that is iterative, emphasizes field-proven results and is able to rapidly adapt to the client’s needs. Progress is measured continuously so that key objectives and program milestones are completed on time. We have frequent communications with our clients to report progress and discuss technical requirements.
Additionally, NREC writes software according to a strict set of coding standards and ensures code quality through the use of peer reviews, static and runtime analysis tools, continuous integration, version control, and automated unit tests.
Our approach to program management ensures that projects are brought to completion on-time, within budget, and in accordance with the expectations of our clients.
NREC has unique facilities for applied robotics R&D. It starts with 100,000 sq.ft. at our main facilities with two high-bays, large lab spaces and a prototype fabrication shop with lathe, CNC and welding equipment.
NREC also has two auxiliary facilities that provide storage space and access to large test sites for outdoor testing.
NREC is committed to improving the safety of our systems throughout all phases of the development process. We foster a culture of safety in our daily operations and field tests. Teamwork and professionalism are the foundations of safe operations. We emphasize safety as the responsibility of every member on our team.
Our researchers and staff undergo safety training as appropriate for their responsibilities, from basic driving safety to wilderness first aid. Our field tests are designed to minimize risk to testing personnel and visitors. We designate a safety officer for all field tests and follow detailed safety policies. Drills reinforce our safety procedures. During tests, we use visible and audible signals (such as onboard lights and sirens) to show a robot’s operating mode and warn bystanders of its approach. Emergency supplies and medical kits are standard equipment in support vehicles. Our field teams also work closely with local fire, police, and EMS departments to ensure a quick response in case of emergency.